Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the role of the family mediator?

Family mediators do not express a point of view or make a value judgement. The mediator is neutral during the process. Their expertise and experience allow them to give information and understanding of legal and financial issues. They will guide you to the best legal solution in your case.  The family mediator will make you aware of things you each need to do to achieve a legal separation. The mediator helps you to gather the information. They facilitate the discussions, and help you develop options and solutions.  

You can think of the mediator as the chair of the meeting. They help guide people through their agenda, ensuring each can express their thoughts and suggestions without interruption.

The mediator is there to help the discussion. They ensure each person has time and space to put their views across. And they keep the discussions productive and safe. 

Our family mediators draw on their experience of what other people have done in similar circumstances. They help you look at the pros and cons of any particular course of action. 

Decisions made will be noted by the mediator. Then each of you will receive a written summary of these. And this will come with any proposals that have yet to be agreed, and any actions that need to follow. 

It means you don’t need to take notes. Instead you can concentrate on the discussion and create your own solutions for your separated futures.