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What are the benefits of mediation for children?

The benefits of mediation for children are plentiful, and choosing family mediation to resolve issues relating to your divorce or separation is not only cheaper and faster but much less stressful for all involved than going through the court process.  In particular, it offers numerous benefits for children whose parents are divorcing or separating including :

Reduced stress and anxiety.  Mediation provides a less confrontational setting than a court battle.  This helps to reduce the emotional stress children may experience, as they are not exposed to the intense conflict that often accompanies litigation, which can foster hostility between parents. Mediation promotes cooperation, reducing tension and potential negative impacts on the children.

Gives children a voice. Child Inclusive Mediation takes the children’s needs and feelings into account, gives them a voice in the decisions that will affect their lives, and ensures that they feel heard and valued.

Faster Resolutions. Choosing mediation to resolve your issues is much faster than the lengthy court process.  Court applications can take over 24 months to be finalised, by using mediation you can reduce this down to 2 months.  This means you can reach swift conclusions which allow you and your children to move on with your lives faster.

Improved Communication. Mediation encourages open and constructive communication between parents and children. It encourages them to articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly, promoting healthier relationships and minimises any misunderstandings.

Emphasis on co-parenting. Mediation focuses on finding solutions that support effective co-parenting. This approach ensures that children continue to receive support, love and attention from both parents, helping to promote a sense of stability in their lives.

Choosing mediation over court to address issues relating to your divorce or separation benefits children in many ways, by providing a more child-centred, amicable, and supportive process that can positively impact your children’s well-being during and after your separation.

Read more about how family mediation works here.