National Family Mediation divorce

Commenting on the outcome of the case of Owens v Owens, National Family Mediation CEO, Jane Robey, said:

“As our organisation’s President, Baroness Hale has said, this case is troubling.

“Our hope is that the spotlight shining on this case will further illuminate the need for the law to be changed to make getting a divorce far, far simpler than it currently is.

“Divorce is much too tangled up in arcane legal processes, acquiring a mystical quality that serves to confuse and defeat those who are undergoing the biggest crisis of their lives.

“The current laws fuel conflict and only serve to promote protracted litigation, costing families a fortune. This case is no exception and should go to the heart of the growing call for changes to these outdated laws.

“Perhaps once the government has finalised its own divorce with the EU, it can turn its attention to urgently needed domestic reforms.”