Frequently Asked Questions

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Divorce Introduction

Divorce mediation can help you work out arrangements for your children, finance and property. Even though a divorce or separation may have been expected, marriage and partnerships can be strong bonds, so it’s not surprising that the effect of breaking those bonds can be devastating. You may not have expected it, meant it to happen or have been able to prevent it.

As well as dealing with the emotional impact of divorce or separation, there are also a host of practical issues to think about and decisions to make such as ‘how do we end it, and what do we do about the kids, the money and the family home?Download our free guide to divorce and separation, where you’ll find insights, advice and some practical steps needed to handle both the legal and emotional aspects of divorce or separation. If you would like to receive a free mediation information pack by email click here.

You can get divorced if you have been married for one year. The Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act April 2022 introduces “no-fault” divorce which means the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. You will need to provide a statement to that effect. You can read more about the new ‘no-fault’ divorce rules and timing here. Most applications for divorce will now be made online although in some circumstances there is still the ability to file a paper application. Click here to access the divorce application forms.

When you do get a divorce the court will be able to make orders about financial and property matters too if one or other or both of you makes an application. Usually, you do not need to appear in court personally to get a divorce.

If you have children you will need to put in place arrangements for the children now you are no longer married and you can choose how to make arrangements for looking after your children if you separate from your partner.

You and your ex-partner can usually avoid going to court hearings if you can reach agreement on:

  • where the children will live
  • how much time they will spend with each parent
  • how you will financially support your children

You can agree on child maintenance at the same time or separately.

Get help agreeing

Mediation provides the best forum for discussing how to make future arrangements following your divorce. We understand it can be difficult to have a constructive discussion when emotions are raw but our trained mediators will help you turn your arguments into agreements and avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings.

We offer family mediation without leaving your home through video conferencing services.

To discuss your situation in the divorce process and find out how our experts can help, you can call our mediation team on 0300 400 0636, or email [email protected]