£500 off mediation voucher scheme extended

Money off mediation 

NFM is pleased to confirm its continued participation in the government’s family mediation voucher scheme. The £500 voucher scheme has been further extended and is being made available for separating families with children, to go towards the cost of using accredited family mediation services to make parenting arrangements. 

The scheme is designed to help families avoid the often lengthy and costly route of going to court, which can also have a negative impact on children.

Family separation always brings a number of expenses, and this contribution towards making vital parenting arrangements through mediation will help reduce these costs – whilst helping families ensure the settlements that are made are in everyone’s interests. 

The voucher scheme is open to mediation participants who attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) on or after 26 March 2021. The £500 voucher cannot be used to pay for the MIAM itself, but for the mediation that follows.

Our mediators are on hand to explain the full details to you so book an appointment today with a family mediator or you can learn more about the voucher scheme here.